A Noob's Quest

A Head of Engineering Finally Learning Tech.

Generate a Go Server with JWT Authorisation using OpenAPI 3

2022-02-27 Go Programming jsfan

While the OpenAPI standard allows for defining JWT authorisation for endpoints, the Go server generator which is part of the OpenAPI Generator does not support that specification and will nto generate any JWT authorisation code.

However, despite the generator having a few limitations, most of the code generation comes down to processing Mustache templates which can be exported and modified. This post will go through the process of creating templates which introduce selective JWT authorisation step by step.

To start with, you will need a copy of the OpenAPI generator. I’ll assume in the post that you use the CLI, but you can also set up a UI, of course. I will also assume that you use the Docker image for the CLI, but again it is up to you if you do that or rather install the CLI on your machine.

As mentioned above, it is possible to export the default templates, so that’s where we start:

docker run --rm -v$(pwd)/api/templates:/out openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v5.4.0 author template -g go-server

(Hint: You might want to run this as your local user using the --user flag, so the files generated aren’t all owned by the root user. Depending on your setup, you might also have to use sudo docker instead of just docker.)

For the version of OpenAPI Generator CLI, I’m using (v5.4.0), I get the following templates in api/templates/


Most of these files we will leave untouched. However, we will introduce new templates as well as modify some of these. So, let’s get started! If you don’t want to follow along with all the modifications in detail, you can also find the final version of the templates in this GitHub repository.

We will first have a look at the file routers.mustache. As the file name already indicates, this file contains the router and alongside it also defines the routes that represent the endpoints of OpenAPI spec defines. As we want to some of these endpoints to now require authorisation, we have to add another field to the struct that represents a route. That struct looks something like this:

// A Route defines the parameters for an api endpoint
type Route struct {
        Name            string
        Method    string
        Pattern  string
        HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc

What we need to add is a flag that indicates that the route requires authorisation. So we change the struct to look like this:

// A Route defines the parameters for an api endpoint
type Route struct {
        Name            string
        Method    string
        Pattern  string
        HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
        AuthzRequired bool

Next, we modify controller-api.mustache such that this flag is always included when routes are generated. What we are looking for is a function that looks like this:

// Routes returns all of the api route for the {{classname}}Controller
func (c *{{classname}}Controller) Routes() Routes {
    return Routes{ {{#operations}}{{#operation}}

which we change to read like this instead:

func (c *{{classname}}Controller) Routes() Routes {
    return Routes{ {{#operations}}{{#operation}}

Don’t worry about the Mustache markers we use. These are all markers which are known to the generator and already in use in other generators which do support authorisation.

We now have templates which distinguish between endpoints that have authorisation enabled and those that don’t by passing in our new boolean flag. If you wanted to handle your authorisation on every endpoint, you’d be done. However, we want to validate JWTs centrally in a middleware and also skip the validation when an endpoint is hit that does not require authorisation. So, we press on…

First off, we need to introduce some code which allows us to validate the JWT and send an HTTP code 401 if the JWT cannot be validated. To that end, we create a new template file api/templates/jwt.mustache with the following content:

package {{packageName}}

import (

type JWTClaims map[string]interface{}

// AuthErrorResponse is used when the authentication middleware rejects access.
// This response should be aligned with the response your OpenAPI configuration assigns to the HTTP status code 401.
type AuthErrorResponse struct {
        Message string

// ValidateClaims validates the token ensuring that it is not expired.
// Add other expected values you want to validate as necessary.
func ValidateClaims(claims *jwt.Claims, customClaims *JWTClaims) error {
        expected := jwt.Expected{
                Time: time.Now(),

        // TODO: Add check for custom claims as necessary.

        return claims.Validate(expected)

// Error401 returns the contents of the response to be sent when the middleware blocks access with status 401.
// Message gives the reason why access was denied.
func Error401(msg string) AuthErrorResponse {
        // TODO: Adapt to your own custom error response
        return AuthErrorResponse{
                Message: msg,

// SetKeys returns the key used for validating the JWT signatures.
func SetKeys(env interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    // TODO: Add your own logic for setting your keys.

    return &jose.JSONWebKeySet{}, nil

As you can see, I’m using Square’s JWT library. However, if you want to use a different library (e.g. the more recent fork of the Square library by the original author or github.com/golang-jwt/jwt) you can just adapt the templates to work with your preference instead. As a word of warning though, you might want to avoid github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v2. At the time of writing that package still pointed back to the original Square version which might create types issues. If you do want to use it, you can try my patch which should solve these issues.

Now, we need to use the code we have introduced, so we create another file api/templates/auth.mustache which contains the new authorisation middleware:

package {{packageName}}

import (

type JWTLabel string

const (
    authHeader = "Authorization"
    claimsContext JWTLabel = "JWT contents"

    NoToken = "No bearer token found."
    AuthorizationLineMalformed = "Authorization line was malformed."
    AuthorizationNotBearer = "No bearer token in authorization."
    JWTParseError = "JWT could not be parsed."
    SignatureInvalid = "JWT signature is invalid."
    ClaimsInvalid = "JWT claims are invalid."

// Auth is a middleware which validates a JWT and rejects unauthenticated access where appropriate.
func Auth(inner http.Handler, keys interface{}, authRequired bool) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        bearerToken, ok := r.Header[authHeader]
        if !ok {
            if authRequired {
                EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(NoToken), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)
            inner.ServeHTTP(w, r)
        tokenParts := strings.SplitN(bearerToken[0], " ", 2)
        if len(tokenParts) < 2 {
            EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(AuthorizationLineMalformed), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)
        if strings.ToLower(tokenParts[0]) != "bearer" {
            EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(AuthorizationNotBearer), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)
        token := tokenParts[1]

        parsedJWT, err := jwt.ParseSigned(token)
        if err != nil {
            EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(JWTParseError), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)
        basicClaims := &jwt.Claims{}
        claims := &JWTClaims{}
        if err := parsedJWT.Claims(keys, &basicClaims, &claims); err != nil {
            EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(SignatureInvalid), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)

        if err := ValidateClaims(basicClaims, claims); err != nil {
            EncodeJSONResponse(Error401(ClaimsInvalid), func(i int) *int { return &i }(http.StatusUnauthorized), w)

        ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), claimsContext, claims)
        inner.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

As you can see, the middleware primer allows us to pass in a boolean flag to distinguish between request which require authorisation and those that don’t. If the flag is false, our new middleware just passes on the request without doing anything. If an Authorization header of type Bearer is found in the request, the middleware parses the JWT and validates the claims. If they are found invalid, it sends an HTTP code 401 (Unauhtorized), otherwise it injects the claims the code we added in the jwt.mustache template returned to the context and passes on the request.

You may have noticed that the code above does not handle HTTP Basic authentication or encrypted JWTs. However, you can easily modify your templates to support that as well.

Now, we have a middleware that we can hook in the same way the templates already hook in the logging middleware. We go back to routers.mustache and find the function NewRouter() which we add a parameter and a handler to:

// NewRouter creates a new router for any number of api routers
func NewRouter(keys interface{}, routers ...Router) {{#routers}}{{#mux}}*mux.Router{{/mux}}{{#chi}}chi.Router{{/chi}}{{/routers}} {
        router := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
        router := chi.NewRouter()
        for _, api := range routers {
                for _, route := range api.Routes() {
                        var handler http.Handler
                        handler = route.HandlerFunc
                        handler = Auth(handler, keys, route.AuthzRequired)
                        handler = Logger(handler, route.Name)
                        handler = handlers.CORS()(handler)

                        router.Method(route.Method, route.Pattern, handler)

        return router

The line we have added is this one:

handler = Auth(handler, keys, route.Authenticated)

and because we need the keys here, we now have to pass those into NewRouter() as well.

Obviously, NewRouter() is called from somewhere, so we need to change the signature in the call as well. That call is in main(). So, we change the line

router := {{packageName}}.NewRouter({{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}{{classname}}Controller{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/apis}}{{/apiInfo}})


var keyEnv interface{}
keys, err := {{packageName}}.SetKeys(keyEnv)
if err != nil {
router := {{packageName}}.NewRouter(keys, {{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}{{classname}}Controller{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/apis}}{{/apiInfo}})

As you can see, we are using the function SetKeys() here which returns the keys to be used for validating the JWT.

At this point, we have the complete set of templates for adding JWT authorisation to our endpoints. The only thing left to do make this work out of the box is to add the JWT package to the go.mod.mustache. If you have used the package gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 as suggested above, the go.mod.mustache needs to look something like this:

module {{gitHost}}/{{gitUserId}}/{{gitRepoId}}

go 1.13

require gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.5.1
require github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.3
require github.com/gorilla/handlers v1.5.1
require github.com/go-chi/chi/v5 v5.0.3
require github.com/go-chi/cors v1.2.0

As a last bit of housekeeping, we change the Dockerfile.mustache adding the line

COPY --from=build /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs

which makes sure that any CA certificates which the JWT authentication may use are available within the Docker image. For consistency, I’ve also updated the Go version, so the complete Dockerfile.mustache looks like this:

FROM golang:1.13 AS build
WORKDIR /go/src
COPY {{sourceFolder}} ./{{sourceFolder}}
COPY main.go .

RUN go get -d -v ./...

RUN go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o {{packageName}} .

FROM scratch AS runtime
COPY --from=build /go/src/{{packageName}} ./
COPY --from=build /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs
EXPOSE 8080/tcp
ENTRYPOINT ["./{{packageName}}"]

You may want to update the Go version to an even more recent version though.

So, now, we are really completely done with the code. There are only two things left to do which are

  1. A config file for OpenAPI Generator CLI.
  2. An OpenAPI spec file to test with.

The OpenAPI config file allows you to make a good number of settings. What we need is the settings for template customisation. We’ll use an openapi-generator.yml file that contains a few other settings as well to not have to specify them on the command line. You will have to change the gitRepoId and gitUserId and may want to adapt some other settings as well. For details on the configuration options, refer to the official documentation and the OpenAPI Generator CLI’s help.

generatorName: go-server
inputSpec: api/spec.yaml
templateDir: api/templates
gitUserId: change-this-to-your-github-account
gitRepoId: change-this-to-your-repository-name
  enumClassPrefix: false
  featureCORS: false
  hideGenerationTimestamp: true
  packageName: rest
  packageVersion: 0.0.1
  router: mux
  serverPort: 8080
  sourceFolder: go
    destinationFilename: "go/auth.go"
    destinationFilename: "go/jwt.go"

As you can see, I’m already referencing the spec file. So, we now create that at api/spec.yaml. Again, we go with a simple example:

openapi: "3.0.3"
  description: "A test API for Go server with JWT"
  version: "0.0.1"
  title: "Test API"

      operationId: "unauthenticated"
      summary: "An endpoint which does not require authentication."
      description: "Returns \"Hello World!\""
          description: "Hello World!"
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Message"
      operationId: "authenticated"
      summary: "An endpoint which does require authentication."
      description: "Returns \"Hello Authorised Citizens of the World!\""
        - JWTAuth: []
          description: "Hello Authorised Citizens of the World!"
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Message"

      type: "object"
          type: string
          example: "Hello World!"

          type: "http"
          scheme: "bearer"

To generate using the Docker image, you can run

docker run --rm -v$(pwd):/src -w /src openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -c /src/openapi-generator.yaml

Theoretically, you can now run your server. However, the templates contain imports which are unused in the skeleton you have at the moment. So, if you try to run or compile, you will get an error saying

go/api_default.go:13:2: imported and not used: "encoding/json"
go/api_default.go:17:2: imported and not used: "github.com/gorilla/mux"

Once you have removed those two imports from go/api_default.go, you probably want to run go fmt over it, make sure the go.mod is ok and then run or build:

gofmt -w .
go mod tidy
go run main.go

If you now open a browser and hit http://localhost:8080/unauthenticated (changing the port to whatever you used in the config file), you’ll get the response

"Unauthenticated method not implemented"

If on the other hand you hit http://localhost:8080/authenticated, you get

{"Message":"No bearer token found."}

which tells you that the authentication middleware blocked the request. A look at the development tools' network tab will also show an HTTP status 501 for the unauthenticated route but an HTTP status 401 for the authenticated one.

If you want to make it easy to regenerate later on, you probably want to put the *_service.go files into the .openapi-generator-ignore as the TODOs in the files suggest.